Telegram is the social network which provide the chance of sharing even the large files.Telegram provide the opportunity for sharing movies and some software which contain large size.Those file can be shared between individual,in groups or from the certain channel .Those shared files can be downloaded through that telegram app which may bring difficulty in resuming when downloading the large files during the network problem or application(telegram apk) stopping.
In order to avoid those situation you can use the following method of copying the link of the files and hence download it by using other browser or downloader.
Normaly you cant just copy the link of shared telegram files its impossible until you use the following BOT which you can search it in the telegram which is GET PUBLIC LINK BOT,
These is done by taking the message of the shared file and forward it to that BOT and then it will generate for you the link which you can use any browser or downloader to download that file.It work best in uc browser and in other browser it can work also.
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